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The Art of Animal Reiki: Energy Healing for Pets and Their Owners


Nov 8, 2023
person holding gray tabby cat while lying on bed

Animal Reiki is an ancient healing technique that uses the power of energy and touch to promote healing and wellbeing in pets and their owners. It is a holistic practice that helps to restore balance and harmony to the animal’s body, mind, and spirit. Animal Reiki is becoming increasingly popular, as pet owners are recognizing the many benefits of this practice. In this article, we will explore the art of Animal Reiki, its benefits, how to practice it, and tips for successful Animal Reiki sessions.

What is Animal Reiki?

Animal Reiki is an ancient healing technique that uses the power of energy and touch to promote healing and wellbeing in pets and their owners. It is based on the principles of Reiki, which is an ancient Japanese healing practice. In Animal Reiki, practitioners use their hands to channel energy into the animal’s body, helping to reduce pain, stress, and anxiety. Animal Reiki is a holistic practice that helps to restore balance and harmony to the animal’s body, mind, and spirit.

Benefits of Animal Reiki

Animal Reiki has many benefits for both the animal and their owner. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety, promote healing and wellbeing, and improve the bond between the pet and their owner. Animal Reiki can also help to reduce pain and inflammation, promote relaxation, and improve the animal’s overall quality of life.

How to Practice Animal Reiki

Animal Reiki is a simple practice that anyone can learn. To practice Animal Reiki, start by placing your hands on the animal’s body and focusing on the intention of promoting healing and wellbeing. Visualize the energy flowing from your hands into the animal’s body, and imagine the animal’s body, mind, and spirit being healed and restored. You can also use stones, crystals, and other healing tools to help focus the energy.

Tips for Animal Reiki Sessions

When practicing Animal Reiki, it is important to keep the sessions short and gentle. Start with a few minutes and gradually increase the length of the sessions as the animal becomes more comfortable. It is also important to be patient and gentle with the animal, and to be aware of their signals of discomfort. Speak softly and calmly, and be mindful of the animal’s body language.

Animal Reiki for Pet Owners

Animal Reiki is a great way for pet owners to bond with their pets and promote healing and wellbeing. It is a simple and effective practice that anyone can learn, and it can help to reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and improve the animal’s overall quality of life.


Animal Reiki is a powerful and effective healing technique that can be used to promote healing and wellbeing in pets and their owners. It is a holistic practice that helps to restore balance and harmony to the animal’s body, mind, and spirit. Animal Reiki is becoming increasingly popular, as pet owners are recognizing the many benefits of this practice. With the right knowledge and techniques, anyone can practice Animal Reiki and experience the many benefits it has to offer.

Animal Reiki is a powerful healing technique that can help to reduce pain, stress, and anxiety, promote relaxation, and improve the animal’s overall quality of life. With the right knowledge and techniques, anyone can practice Animal Reiki and experience the many benefits it has to offer.